Monday, September 30, 2013

Pygame Water and Sand Simulation

Originally meant to be just a water sim. They seem to be all the rage in simulation videos. Turns out I accidentally made something that acted like sand so I left it in there.

The code can be found here,
Video can be found here.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pygame Side Scroller

Some little dude wants that star for his collection or something like that. An experiment written in Python using Pygame in a typical side scrolling, platforming style. I added in switches to make the game feel more dynamic but past that I pretty much free-styled this with no real purpose(I guess this could be compared to an artist's doodling). Although there's nothing unique here it still stands to demonstrate uses of Pygame.

The map is generated using a text file that gives a two-digit code for each 16x16 space. Each unique code identifies a different type of block.

There is code here at Github and video here at Youtube.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pygame Box Bounce Animation

So I've written this little animation/simulation thing with Pygame for Python with a bouncing ball and breaking boxes. The ball follows the law of reflection when it hits surfaces, meaning that the angle at which it hits a surface will be the same as the angle at which it bounces away. When the ball bounces off a box the box disappears.

I put the code here on GitHub and a video here on Youtube.